Make sure you’re registered to vote, vote early and make a plan to vote.

Help spread the word by reading instructions below to easily share ready-made social posts.

Effective & easy social storming for GOTV

Amplify to help get more progressives registered to vote.

  1. START

After you’ve read these instructions, click here and choose where you would like to share one of our ready-made posts; choices include Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or text message.


Set your social apps to search for the hashtags #MakeYourPlan #VoterRegistration #Voterizer. Keep refreshing your search box for the latests posts to retweet, like, comment, and re-post everything you see! This is how we amplify and build dominant messaging.



Select your favorite #VoterRegistration message and post! You can add or change text and tag your friends, celebrities, and/or elected officials by adding @USERNAME at the end of the post. Ready-made posts include issues that are on the ballot. Hint: It’s all of them.


Keep going and share this starter page with everyone you know! Let’s get onto every progressive phone, tablet, and laptop until November 3.

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